Health and Wellness
Your Student's Health at Great Northern
It is important that our students at Great Northern School feel safe, secure, and that health conditions do not interfere with their learning.
Please remember to update your child’s health registration form every year and report any health issues that could impact their educational experience as they arise. Feel free to contact Merilee Corbit, our school nurse, by either calling Great Northern School or e-mailing her at
Immunization Requirements
The way schools collect immunization records and comply with immunization rules will be different beginning with the 2020-21 school year. Effective August 1, 2020, these three major changes went into effect:
· All new immunization records from students need to be medically verified.
· The definition of “conditional status” has been clarified. (Please see Immunizations in Health Forms and Policies below.)
· The Tdap vaccine requirement for 6th graders has been changed to a 7th grade requirement.
Details of the changes and definitions can be found at:
These changes were approved by the Washington State Board of Health in 2019.
Life-Threatening Health Conditions
Emergency Care Plans for School: Washington State law requires that when there is a student with a known life-threatening health condition, schools must be prepared for a life-threatening event on the day the student starts school. If your child has a life- threatening condition, please have their health care provider complete the appropriate Emergency Care Plan (ECP) form(s) and bring them, along with the emergency medication to Great Northern School either before or on the first day. These documents need to be completed EVERY year prior to the start the school.
Medical treatments at school: If your child is prescribed a treatment at school (e.g. nebulizer treatments, dressing changes, a course of antibiotics) please bring in an authorized statement from the physician. The school nurse will work with family on how to best incorporate the student’s treatment during the school day.
Great Northern Medical Care Plans and Physician Orders:
Anaphylaxis Care Plan and Medication Orders - PDF
Allergy Care Plan No History of Anaphylaxis - PDF
Asthma Plan Medication Orders - PDF
Seizure - Combined - PDF